Montgomery County has two major water-supply aquifers: the Evangeline and the Jasper. Both aquifer water levels get deeper as the aquifer moves south in the county. Also, the height of each aquifer gets greater.
RULE 1-DRAWDOWN: no less than 70% median available drawdown remaining in 2080. There must be a water table level in each aquifer at any point greater than or equal to 70% of the of the height of that aquifer. Since the aquifer depth is getting greater as you move south, the additional water being pumped will, in larger part, be from the southern most regions in the county.
RULE 2-SUBSIDENCE: no more than an average of 1.0 additional foot of subsidence between 2009 and 2080. This requirement is critical to those who live in southern Montgomery County to guard against over pumping. Note however this is AVERAGE subsidence. There is no limit to the MAXIMUM subsidence in any area. Even so, including the subsidence limit is critical to limit the damage caused by over pumping.
WHY THIS MATTERS: Our homes, roads and businesses are structurally supported by the water underground, so if we use too much groundwater we cause our land to sink. Parts of Montgomery County have sunk one foot in the past 20 years, and some areas are expected to sink 3 MORE feet by 2080. This sinking is irreversible and causes damage to our homes, roads and businesses from flooding and fault activation.
OUR RECOMMENDATION: Rather than increasing groundwater use and risk irreversible and negligent subsidence, we should limit groundwater use to prevent subsidence, and ramp up use of surface water to meet growing demand.
TAKE ACTION: Please let LSGCD know what you think by email to with the subject line “DFC Comments” no later than 11:59 p.m. on Jul. 19, 2021.
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