Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District is holding a public forum on June 7 beginning at 2pm at their office: 655 Conroe Park North Drive, Conroe, Tx 77303.
There have been little details on this forum, but we understand it will include a presentation by LSGCD as well as the opportunity for the public to provide comments.
This is not your only opportunity to provide comments! You can also provide them with an email to info@lonestargcd.org with the subject line “DFC Comments” no later than 11:59 p.m. on Jul. 19, 2021.
WHY THIS MATTERS: Our homes, roads and businesses are structurally supported by the water underground, so if we use too much groundwater we cause our land to sink. Parts of Montgomery County have sunk one foot in the past 20 years, and some areas are expected to sink 3 MORE feet by 2080. This sinking is irreversible and causes damage to our homes, roads and businesses from flooding and fault activation.
OUR RECOMMENDATION: Rather than increasing groundwater use and risk irreversible and negligent subsidence, we should limit groundwater use to prevent subsidence, and ramp up use of surface water to meet growing demand.
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